Importer Security Filings (ISF) are required for any Ocean import into the United States. It is a document that outlines what is being imported (HTS codes), where it is coming from (country of origin), who is importing it (importer), and other pieces of information that identify the cargo, associated parties, and vessel information.
The ISF tab surfaces these details so you can stay up-to-date on the status of these documents and make sure it’s cleared by customs well before the vessel departs.
The ISF tab can be accessed by opening the Explore drop-down and clicking ISF. The table contains all of your organization’s connected ISFs.
There are a few things you can do on this page:
Customize which table columns are enabled by selecting the icon. Select fields from a variety of categories, including:
ISF Reference IDs
Shipment IDs
Related Parties
ISF Details
Click into the column headers to sort or filter the data in the table.
Click the download icon to export the table in CSV format.
Click into a row to open the ISF details.
ISF Details
The ISF Details section contains all available import security filing information, including:
First Accepted
Last Accepted
Filing Status
Bill Status
Ocean Bill
House Bill
Master Bill
Customs Reference
Carrier SCAC
Shipment Type
Action Reason
Ship to Party