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Detailed Shipment View
Detailed Shipment View

Access all of the available information on any particular shipment

Written by Pete Crosby
Updated over a week ago

The Detailed Shipment View is where you can access all available information about any given shipment. It consolidates real-time statuses and details to address the most common customer inquiries, starting with the age-old question, “Where’s my stuff?”

Manage the shipment page using the options in the top-right corner:

  • Click the pin icon to pin the shipment to your dashboard. This will add it to the Pinned Shipments table on your Dashboard view.

  • Click the bell icon to follow the shipment. This will opt you into notifications for all status changes, document uploads, and messages.

  • Click the message icon to open up the shipment’s messaging window. This will show all conversation history related to that shipment.

Shipment Status Bar

The Shipment Status Bar is the first thing you see when landing on the Detailed Shipment View. It provides a snapshot view of the shipment’s stage in its journey by reflecting the status with a green highlight.


The Orders section contains information about orders associated with the shipment, including statuses and milestones.

Shipment Details

The Shipment Details section contains basic information about each shipment.

Fields in this section include:

  • Route

  • Type

  • Master Bill

  • House Bill

  • Primary Mode

  • CO2e Emissions (This is only available if the CO2 Reporting feature is enabled.)

  • Order ID(s)

  • Shippers Reference

  • Planned ETA

  • ATA

  • Incoterms

  • Pickup Required By

  • Actual Pickup Date

  • Consignee

  • Shipper

  • Local Client

  • Service Level

  • Additional Reference Numbers

Route Details

The Route Details section provides real-time location data on a given shipment. In the map at the top, you’ll see the planned route, with a blinking blue dot indicating your vessel location based on AIS data.

Click on the satellite icon to open a Vessel Information window, which contains information including:

  • ETA to Next Port

  • Next Port Name

  • Last Updated

Below the map, the timeline displays each leg of the shipment and the corresponding details. The blinking blue dot indicates which leg of the journey the shipment is currently on.

Cargo and Container Details

The Cargo Details section contains any available information on your shipment cargo.

Click Details next to a container to see more detailed milestones and details for that individual container.

Brokerage Details

The Brokerage Details section contains the shipment’s brokerage information, including:

  • Declaration Entry #

  • Import Customs

ISF Details

The ISF Details section contains all available import security filing information, including:

  • Status

  • First Accepted

  • Last Accepted

  • Filing Status

  • Bill Status

  • Ocean Bill

  • House Bill

  • Master Bill

  • Customs Reference

  • Carrier SCAC

  • ISF ID

  • Shipment Type

  • Action Reason

  • Ship to Party

🛠️ ISF is only available if this feature has been enabled.


The Documents tab in the sidebar of the Detailed Shipment View includes all documents related to the shipment.

There are a few things you can do on this page:

  • Click the Download All Documents button to export a zip file containing the documents in the table.

  • Click the Upload button to open a window that allows you to add a new file related to the shipment.

  • Click the download icon to export the table in CSV format.

  • Click on the column headers to sort or filter the data in the table.

💡Only Admins and Operators can see published and unpublished documents from CargoWise. All other users can only view published documents.


The Notes tab in the sidebar of the Detailed Shipment View contains all client-visible job notes linked to the shipment in CargoWise, including any clickable links.

The Job Notes card will include the following information:

  • Note description

  • Date/time of last import/update

  • Shipment ID

  • Note content

When a note has been added or updated, you will see a notification with a red dot stating New Note or Last Updated.

💡The system only pulls in notes created or edited after January 18th, 2023.


The Invoices tab in the sidebar of the Detailed Shipment View includes all invoices related to the shipment.

There are a few things you can do on this page:

  • Click the Download Docs button to export a zip file containing the invoices in the table.

  • Click into the context menu in the far-right header to export the table in CSV format.

  • Click into the column headers to sort or filter the data in the table.

🛠️ The Invoices tab is only visible to users who have Accounting enabled.


The Activity tab in the sidebar of the Detailed Shipment View includes all events related to the shipment and the date they were completed.

Events include:

  • Documentation Received

  • Shipment Departed

  • Shipment Received

  • Shipment Arrived

  • Freight Loaded/Unloaded

Activity tab icons explained

The colors of the icons don't hold any particular relevance, but the icon as a whole represents the specific mode of transport related to an event.

For example, we might see an "Arrival" event at two ocean ports and an inland rail terminal.

The first two would show the ocean icon, and the latter would show the rail icon.
This helps provide visual cues to the user as the job progresses through the various modes of an intermodal journey.

Whenever we receive an event from CargoWise that does not have a specific mode associated to it, we use the generic grey icon.
The lack of mode specification from CargoWise can be due to a variety of things:

  • Automation quirks in CargoWise

  • Manually-added events

  • Bad data etc.

    We do the best we can to fill in unknowns, but sometimes we can't and so you'll see some inconsistencies.

image (1).png

In this case, this is the icon displayed when the transport mode is either:

  • Courier

  • FIxedTransport

  • OwnPropulsion

  • Pedestrian

  • RollOnRollOffFreight

  • Storage

  • Unknown

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