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Data Validation Report
Written by Pete Crosby
Updated over a year ago

The Data Validation report is a supplementary tool Logixboard provides to customers in order to identify missing data attributes and measure the condition of the data. It can be used to understand accuracy, consistency (in all fields across the shipment model), integrity (whether fields are complete) and overall usability of the source data.

The underlying data that is used for the report comes directly from the data Logixboard ingests from the TMS. The report should be used as a tool for customers to help increase the trustworthiness of their data to improve the freight tracking process.

The report contains three different sections which aggregate the data at different levels to identify what shipment attributes are most commonly missing data.

1) Total: This worksheet contains a count of all shipments with an ETA one year prior to the current date and one year in the future with a null value for the given data attribute (0% means data attribute is filled in for all shipments).

2) By Organization: This worksheet contains the count of distinct shipments aggregated at the organization level with an ETA one year prior to the current date and one year in the future with null values for each of the data attributes with red coloring for counts >0

3) By Shipment: This worksheet is a raw output of all shipments with cells highlighted in red that have null data.

Cell Color Key:

🟒 Green = Data Quality is good.

🟑 Yellow = Data Quality is mediocre.

πŸ”΄ Red = Data Quality is poor.

If a customer would like to further filter the data in the report to a specific subset of data, Logixboard can filter by any of the following attributes to highlight a subset of shipments:

  • Estimated Time of Arrival (YYYY, QQ YYYY, MM YYYY, ISO Year Week)

  • Organization Reference ID

  • Shipment Relation Type

  • Transort Mode

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