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Saved Views for Shipments

How to create a customizable filtered view on the shipment table

Imogen Challenger avatar
Written by Imogen Challenger
Updated over 7 months ago

The shipment table is designed to pull in as much information as possible regarding active and historical shipments.

Filters and sorts on the table columns allow you to narrow down the data so you can visualize the most important updates.

You can also save the filters and sorts you apply as bookmarks, allowing you to easily navigate back to your preferred view.

Create Your Filters

  1. Navigate to the shipment explorer.

  2. Choose which filters you would like to view. E.g. Ocean or a specific destination port.

  3. Use the customize table column icon to make different columns visible in the shipment explorer. You will only see the default columns when you first log in.

  4. Rearrange the columns by dragging and dropping them.

  5. Apply any column-specific sorts.

Saving Your Filtered View

  1. Click the bookmark icon to save the view.

  2. Name the view and click save. This will make your view available for future use just like your browser bookmarks.

  3. You can create as many saved views as needed and easily navigate between them.

Creating a Default View

Once you have set up your saved views you can create a new default view for clients to replace the standard layout on the shipment explorer.

  1. Go to your settings menu and click on customization.

  2. Choose the new default saved view you would like customers to access.

  3. Click apply to save changes.

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