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User Activity Report

This page will provide you with context on your user activity report.

Written by Pete Crosby
Updated over a week ago

This page will provide you with context on your user activity report.

The primary objectives of this report

  • Provide you with a list of users (internal and external) who are using the platform

  • Provide you with a list of users (internal and external) who are NOT using the platform

    • This will provide you with an understanding of which customers you may want to reach out to - understand why they are not using the platform, and hopefully encourage them to re-engage with the tool

  • Provide you with a list of orgs associated to a user

  • Provide you with context of associated shipments during the last year and currently

Column Definitions


Header Name




A users email address & username



The date (YYYY-MM-DD) the user created their account



A users role as defined in Logixboard and will be one of: Customer, Operator, Operator - CargoWise Staff, User Administrator


Report Date

Date (YYYY-MM-DD) the data was pulled



Your domain which is the start of your Logixboard Url



A list of orgs by org code that are associated with the user. This will only be relevant when Role=Customer. For all other roles we will simply show [All]



A count of orgs you have associated with your customer. For Admins and Operators we will show “All”. For Operator - CargoWise Staff we will show a count of 1, however this is not directly attributed to the count of orgs they are assigned in CargoWise.



An identifier of whether or not the user has completed setup of their account. A value of TRUE means the user has created their password and logged in at least once. A value of FALSE means that the account has not been set up yet and the user has never logged in.



A count of events for the previous 30 days based off of report date (e.g. If the report date is 2023-01-31, the previous 30 days would be 2023-01-01 through 2023-01-01). An event in the platform is equal to a page load, clicking a button, opening a modal, and more



A count of events for the previous 30-60 day time frame (e.g. If the report date is 2023-01-31, the previous 30-60 days would be 2022-12-02 through 2023-01-01)



A calculation comparing events for the 30-60 day window to events for the prior 30 days. A positive % means that the user had more events this month than the prior. A negative % means that the user has less activity this month than the prior month.



A count of all events associated to the user id. An event in the platform counts as a page load, a click of a button, a modal open, or any action taken by the user.



The last event date recorded for the user



A count of shipments for all orgs associated to the user. For example, if your customer has access to 3 orgs, we will provide a sum of all shipments for those 3 orgs in the last 12 months



A count of shipments that are currently active for all orgs associated to the user. This count is a snapshot based on when we ran this report.

Report Insights

  1. Identify who is NOT using the platform.

    1. Start by checking the Events_last_30_days column. If the value is 0, that means that the user did not access the system during the month.

    2. You may wonder, “Were there any shipments for the customer to view during the month?” To answer this you can check the last column for active shipments. If this column is also 0, that may be a sign that the customer did not have any business with you during the month.

    3. More importantly if the customer has 0 events and also had active shipments with you during the month. This is a good sign that they are not using the platform and you may want to connect with them to understand why and hopefully encourage them to re-engage with the tool.

  2. How has a user’s activity changed.

    1. Review the column Percent_increase_prior_60_to_30_days_to_prior_30_day_period to identify if a user has increased, decreased or remained steady with their use of the platform. For a user with a decrease you may want to reach out to them to understand why.

Try our report dashboard to help you obtain insights quickly! Download from Box - instruction can be found at the top of the Dashboard tab.

Glossary of Terms

Internal User

A set of users who are part of your organization. This includes the following roles: User Administrator, Operator, Operator - CargoWise Staff

External User

Your customers. Role is equal to Customer.

Active Shipments

An active shipment is defined by its shipment status and must equal one of the following to be considered active: At Origin Port, In Transit, At Destination Port, Out for Delivery


An event in the platform is equal to a page load, clicking a button, opening a modal, and more

We hope this report is helpful for you and would love to hear your feedback!

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