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Shipment Tracking FAQs
Shipment Tracking FAQs

Most commonly asked questions about shipment tracking

Imogen Challenger avatar
Written by Imogen Challenger
Updated over 6 months ago

1. How do we define an Active Shipment?

All shipments except those where Transport Status = Pending, or those that have an ETA or ATA older than 60 days.

  • At Origin Port

  • In Transit

  • At Destination Port

  • Out for Delivery

  • Delivered

2. Does LXB provide visibility of multiple orders that are part of one shipment (s-file)?

Yes, if there are multiple orders related to a single shipment, then all related orders will appear on the shipment details page one linked. In the screenshot below you'll see the count of orders on the Order Details card. Expanding that card will show you more details on those orders.

3. When you download the .CSV from the shipments tab and you include the variance column, can you see the variance without the dates?

The behavior is that the CSV has a date (the ETA) but does not have the variance (+/- X). The reason behind this is that we calculate the variance on the fly in the app.

4. Does Logixboard support/show the HNV "Handed Over" event on the shipment activity tab?

No. It is possible to see a list of collected events by looking at our WFTs in Cargowise. Not all of the events we collect will ultimately show up in the Activity Tab (some events are used solely to trigger other internal processes), but it will at least give you a sense of whether we're even listening for the event of interest. HNV is not on the list of "monitored" events in our WFTs.

5. How are you calculating final delivery versus non-final delivery for CargoWise?

(relates to statuses Out for Delivery and Released for Delivery)

Within CargoWise, there is the Delivery Transport Company field. (Shipment > Delivery tab > Delivery Transport Company). When this field is populated, our logic will that you are handling final delivery of the shipment. When that field is left blank, our logic will be that you are not handling final delivery.

6. What are the rules around expected delivery in the shipment details view?

If there is a delivery step but no delivery ETA, we fall back to the "planned ETA" sourced from the top-level S-file. If there is no delivery step defined, we use the destination port.

7. Can I customize my shipment explorer table?

Yes, you can drag and drop the columns on the shipment explorer to customize the view. Your layout will remain the same the next time you access the system. Use the saved filter option to create saved views for you and your customers.

8. Can we limit certain users or parties of an org to not have access to eDocs at all?

No. We do not support user-level permissions to documents.

9. Can we limit screenshot capabilities and document downloads?

No. Screenshot functions cannot be controlled by Logixboard. We do not limit users from downloading documents.

10. What are the requirements for AIS vessel tracking to work?

To view live tracking for a vessel in the mini-map to of the shipment details page under Route Details, there are 2 key pieces of data required:

  1. IMO # of the vessel

  2. Actual Time of Departure (ATD) of the vessel from the origin port

Note: AIS Tracking is available for Ocean shipments only.

11. Why do I not see all containers associated with a shipment in shipment details?

Ensure that all containers are listed in the packing tab in CargoWise.


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