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Client Order Creation
Written by Logixboard CSM Team
Updated over a week ago

Users can create purchase orders right within the platform, reducing phone calls, email threads, and manual data entry. A record will be automatically created in CargoWise, and operators will be notified via email.

To learn more about orders, click here.

Order Creation

Orders 1.png


Only the client of the LSP can create the order. Once the order is created, it cannot be edited in Logixboard. Any edits made by the LSP in CargoWise will be represented in Logixboard.

Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 3.49.12 PM.png


Required ExWorks = Pick Up Date

Required In Store By = Delivery Data

Items 2.png


Once the order is saved in Logixboard, the Order ID gets created by Cargowise1 automatically, but may say pending briefly while populating.


โ“ FAQs

Who can create the order?

Only your client can.

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