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Selected Booking Option Saved To CargoWise
Selected Booking Option Saved To CargoWise
Written by Logixboard CSM Team
Updated over a week ago

πŸ’‘ What Is This Feature?

After confirming a booking in Logixboard, the booking option selected by your customer will now be saved as an eDoc in your CargoWise instance for the purpose of auditing needs and internal operations.

πŸ‘€ How it looks


After final confirmation of the booking, the booking option selected by your customer will be saved in CargoWise as an eDoc upload.

Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 10.50.09 AM.png

Below is a screenshot of the eDoc for the Selected Booking Option Saved to CargoWise

❓ FAQs

  • How will the booking option be saved to CargoWise? After confirming the booking in Logixboard and saving it as a booking or shipment on CargoWise, the option your customer chose gets saved to CargoWise as an eDoc (PDF with a MISC doc type).

  • Does this feature require any configuration on the C side before its enabled? or will it be automatic for anyone using Bookings in Logixboard? Any LSP that opts into this feature with LXB will see the option in the LXB interface. No additional CargoWise configuration required.

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