1. How does the dashboard look different for different users?
The dashboard has the same look and feel for all users except they will only see shipment information for the organizations they can access.
Some users might not have accounting access so they will not see the accounts section. Clients will see accounts payable rather than accounts receivable.
2. Can we change the reference ID on the Dashboard?
The dashboard uses the user's default reference ID which can be updated via the settings page.
3. Can I view ETD's not just ETA's?
Yes, use the toggle in the top right-hand corner to switch the dashboard view between arrivals and departures. This setting will only apply to your view.
4. Can users re-arrange the order of the categories?
The dashboard cannot be customized at this time.
5. I don't see a certain category that I saw before, why is that?
If none of your shipments have exceptions that fall into a certain category we do not display that category. E.g., if you have no planned ETA missed exceptions for the time frame selected, then the arrival delays exception category will not be displayed.
6. Will bookings exceptions and reminders be displayed here?
They're currently only accessible on the bookings module itself.