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Settings Menu

Update your settings menu to tailor your customer experience platform

Written by Pete Crosby
Updated over a week ago

The Settings module enables users to customize their Logixboard account to better fit the needs of their team and customers.

Access the Settings page by clicking on the capsule button in the page header, opening the drop-down, and clicking Settings.

Different Levels of User Access

Different users have different settings options, with user admins having the most flexibility.

Admin Settings

User admins can edit the following fields:

Admins and Operators User Settings

Available for Admins, Operators and Customers


The Profile tab allows users to:

  • Update personal information

  • Change password

  • Set default reference ID

  • Set default currency

  • Configure MFA

💡 To change the email (username), a User Admin must delete and re-add the account.

Default Reference ID

Choose an ID to identify shipments in the platform:

  • Shipment ID

  • House Bill

  • Order ID

  • Master Bill

  • Container Number


Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an added layer of security for logging into the platform. If configured, you will be asked to verify your identity using a security code each time you log in.

When you set up MFA, you download an authenticator app on your device (like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Duo Mobile, or Authy), scan the QR code provided in the platform, and then enter the code generated by the authenticator app.

Recommended Apps include:

  • Microsoft Authenticator

  • Google Authenticator

  • Duo Mobile

  • Authy

You can return to Settings to modify or remove MFA at any time.

💡 The Admin can choose to require MFA for all users. Then, users will be prompted to configure MFA as part of the login process, and it can't be removed in Settings.

Available to: User Admin, Operator, Customer

View As

View As enables User Admins and Operators to experience the platform from a different perspective by viewing the system as another user role.

As a User Admin, choose from three options:

  • Operator: View all organizations

  • Customer: Specify and view assigned organizations

  • Demo User: Access to view anonymized data only

Operators can choose to view the platform as a customer.

While in View As mode, Logixboard will update to reflect the selected view, and an eye icon will be visible on the Settings capsule.

Reset the view by opening the drop-down and clicking Restore To Default.

Available to: User Admin, Operator


The Organization tab contains the following organization details:

  • Name

  • Contact Email

  • Contact Phone

  • Address

  • City

  • State

  • ZIP Code

  • Country

To change or update any details, navigate to the Technical Support form and submit a request.

This information is visible to users at the bottom of email notifications from the platform.

Available to: User Admin


Site Customization

This section enables customized styling and visuals to match your company branding.

Click the Edit Customization button to change a variety of components, including:

  • Primary Brand Color: Set a hex code to specify brand color. This will appear as a “highlight” color within the app and in customizing email notifications.

  • Logo: Upload an image to display in the page header as a logo (350x100px PNG recommended)

  • Favicon: Upload an ICO file to appear in the browser tab (36x36px recommended). This is the icon that appears in the browser tab.

Organization Display can’t be edited through this module. To make changes, submit a ticket through the Technical Support form.

Shipment Explorer View Customization

This section allows Admins to set a default view for all customers for the Shipment Explorer.

  1. Start by creating a Saved View in the Shipment Explorer

  2. Then in Settings → Customization → Shipments Explorer View Customization select the saved view to be the default for all new customers invited to the platform.

Customers can adjust their view from the default if they prefer.

Available to: User Admin

Document Types

The Document Types tab allows Admins to specify which document types a user can select when uploading a document.

Changing the settings will update the available document types for upload, but won’t affect previously uploaded files in the system.

💡 To offer a small number of document types to customers, start by removing all types and adding the few they will need to use.

Available to: User Admin


Email notifications allow users to stay up-to-date on their shipments. The only notification enabled by default is New Shipment Messages. Each user is responsible for enabling their own notifications.

Org-Specific Notifications

Admins and Operators will have the flexibility to receive notifications for all organizations or to filter notifications to focus on specific organizations, reducing noise while increasing internal efficiency and flexibility

Add Notifications

Note that that list of notifications is dependent on the enabled features.

User Admin

The User Admin tab allows Admins to manage all users in the platform, as well as their roles and permissions.

Operators can have the option to invite and manage customer access. Admins must enable this option when creating operators.

In the Manage Account Invitations card, Admins and Operators can send, view, and manage user invites.

The User Management card allows Admins and Operators to view, edit, and delete users.

Available to: User Admin and Operators when enabled


Configurations allow you to customize the fields that are visible in the platform, creating a user experience that is tailored to your customers.

Shipment Details

Use this section to configure the visibility of certain shipments and fields.

By default, shipments missing a Shipment ETA, Origin Port, or Destination Port are not displayed in the Shipment Explorer or Analytics. To display shipments missing these pieces of information, you can select them under Table Columns.

By default, Variance fields are displayed in the platform. Deselecting a Variance field will hide it everywhere it is currently being displayed. (If your organization uses placeholder dates in the early stages of a shipment, you may want to hide to Variance fields to prevent customer confusion.)

Trucking Details

By default, Carrier information is displayed within Trucking Visibility. Deselecting this will hide Carrier information everywhere it is currently being displayed in the platform. (This can be useful in preventing customers from contracting directly with the carrier.)

Available to: User Admin

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