1. Does Logixboard Order Visibility refer to the Cargowise WMS module?
Order Visibility in Logixboard is linked with the Order Management tools within the Forwarding module in Cargowise (Forwarding > Order Manager > Orders).
2. Are order reference IDs searchable for S-files?
Yes, Order Ref IDs are both visible and searchable for S-files
3. Does an order have to have minimum requirements before it will appear in Logixboard?
We will process any order which has the minimum required fields in Cargowise. Once we receive an order, it's expected to show up in the order explorer. When the order is attached to a Shipment; if any of the shipment-level requirements (Origin, Destination, and ETA) are enabled and the Shipment does not meet them, Neither the shipment nor the order would be accessible.
4. Are orders visible to all customers?
We cannot currently tailor orders to individual customers, they are enabled or disabled for all customers.
5. Where do we keep SKU codes in Logixboard?
You can find that information on the order details page they're called product codes.
6. Is it possible to save more than one view of the filtered table?
Yes, you are not limited on the number of views you can create.
7. Is it possible to select which view of the filtered table I want to use?
Yes, it is possible to select from a list of saved views.
8. Can I rename the view of the filtered table?
No, but you can delete and save again with new name.