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CargoWise One Mapping Guide - Core Features
CargoWise One Mapping Guide - Core Features

Mapping details for the CargoWise integration

Written by Juan Pablo Hernandez
Updated over a week ago

This document is the master map for our integration with CargoWise One (CW1) as it relates to our core features.

For CargoWise One mapping guides related to premium features, see the following:

For more details about shipment statuses, see the Shipment Status Guide.



‎‎Mapping Logic

Active Shipments

Is any of the following statuses: At Origin Port, In Transit, At Destination Port, Out for Delivery, or Delivered

Export Customs Commenced

The ECM CW1 event is present OR ECM milestone is present with an Actual Date

Import Customs Commenced

The CCC CW1 event is present OR CCC milestone is present with an Actual Date

Pinned Shipments

N/A - these are defined in Logixboard

Total Shipments by Mode Over Time

Distinct count of all shipments with an ETA (Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETA) within selected date parameters

Accounts Receivable/Payable (Last 30 Days)

Invoices posted in the last 30 days

Est. Arrival Changes

Changes on the Original ETA vs Last ETA for all shipments included in the Date Range

Est. Departure Changes

Changes on the Original ETD vs Last ETD for all shipments included in the Date Range

Shipment Table

💡 By default, shipments missing any of these fields in CW1 are not displayed in the Shipment Explorer:

  • Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Origin

  • Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Destination

  • Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETA

You can change this setting from the Configurations section of the Settings Menu.


Mapping Logic

Shipment ID

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Shipment ID

House Bill

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → House bill

Master Bill

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidations → Details → BOL

Order ID

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Job Management Links → Order Refs

Seal Number

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidations → Containers Tab → Seal

Container Number

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidations → Containers Tab → Container

Shipper's Reference

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Pickup → Details → Shipper's Ref

Origin Port

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Origin

Destination Port

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Destination


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Transport Mode

CO2e Emissions

Only displayed if the CO2 feature is enabled. Populated when CW1 has an ATA for the final leg of the route.

ETD Origin Port with Variance

Original ETD vs Last ETD introduced on CW1


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETA*

Attached Declarations with an ETA override may take precedence in some situations

ETA Final Destination Port

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing → Last Leg ETA

ETA Final Destination Port with Variance

Original ETA vs Last ETA introduced on CW1

This comes from the basic registration

ETA Destination Port - Updated at

Timestamp of when the ETA was changed

ETA Destination Port - Original

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration Tab → ETA (First ETA introduced)

ATA Final Destination Port

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing → Last Leg ATA

ETA Final Delivery

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Delivery → Estimated Delivery

ATA Final Delivery

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Delivery → Actual Delivery


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing → ATA


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing → ATD

Pickup from Date

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Pickup → Pickup Required From

Pickup by Date

Shipment files: Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Pickup → Pickup Required By

Brokerage files: Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Pickup → Pickup Required By

Delivery from Date

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Delivery → Delivery Required From

Delivery by Date

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Delivery → Delivery Required By

Actual Pickup Date

Shipment files: Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Pickup → Details → Actual Pickup

Brokerage files: Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Pickup → Actual Pickup


N/A - these are defined in Logixboard


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Shipper


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Consignee

Local Client

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Local Client

Importer (of Record)

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations


Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations

Additional Reference Numbers

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Additional Detail → Reference Numbers

* Currently only In-Bond Transit is supported


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Mode

Goods Description

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Description

*CargoWise One limits this field to 35 characters, which is also the limit in Logixboard. Detailed Goods Description is not currently mapped.

Origin Port

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Origin

Destination Port

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Destination

Origin Country

Destination Country


Primary Vessel / Voyage

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing Tab → Routing Leg → Vessel & Voyage/Flight

Pulled from the Routing Leg associated with the Destination Port defined in Basic Registration. Applies to Ocean and Air shipments only.

Container Mode

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Container

Service Level

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Service Level

Shipment Details


Mapping Logic

Route Status

Proof of Delivery Signed by

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Delivery → Confirmations → Delivery at Consignee → Goods Signed By

Only displayed if there is a single signatory for the whole shipment.

Origin Port

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Origin

Destination Port

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Destination

Master Bill

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Details → BOL


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Origin and Destination

House Bill

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → House Bill

CO2e Emissions

Only displayed if the CO2 Emissions is enabled. Populated when CW1 has an ATA for the final leg of the route.

Shipper's Reference

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Pickup → Details → Shipper's Ref

Service Level

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments →Basic Registration → Service Level

Order Reference Numbers

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Job Management Links → Order Refs


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Transport


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Container


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETA

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing Tab → Final Destination Port ATA


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Incoterm

Pickup Required By

Shipment files: Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Pickup → Details → Pickup Required by

Brokerage files: Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Pickup → Pickup Required By


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing

Note: Leg order in LXB is defined by each leg's ETA or ETD; LXB does not use the numbered leg order defined in CW1.

Carrier Name

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing Tab → Voyage/Flight Details → Carrier

Routing Leg Vessel Name

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing Tab → Routing Leg → Vessel

Routing Leg Voyage Number

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing Tab → Routing Leg → Voyage/Flight


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Shipper


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Consignee

Local Client

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Local Client

Inbound Transit Number

Shipment files: Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Additional Detail → Reference Numbers → Type → IT → Reference Number

Brokerage files: Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → Numbers → Type → IT → Reference Number

Cargo Gross Weight

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration Tab → Details → Weight


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Volume

Goods Description

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Description

*CargoWise One limits this field to 35 characters, which is also the limit in Logixboard. Detailed Goods Description is not currently mapped.

Container ID

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidations → Containers Tab → Container

Container Type

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidations → Containers Tab → Type

Seal Number

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidations → Containers Tab → Seal

Routing Details Section

Origin Port

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing → Load

Destination Port

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing → Discharge

(Leg) Mode

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing → Mode

Route Details → Pickup Location and Address

Pickup and Delivery Locations for containers attached to a shipment are available in three possible areas of CargoWise. Usually this information is entered in only one of these areas. However, in the unlikely scenario that a container has a pickup/delivery location listed in all three areas, the priority would be to pull it from the first available as shown below:

Operate → Transport → Transport Booking→ Bookings → Details → Instructions → Instruction View → CNR Address (referred to as LocalCartageExporter in XML)
Operate → Transport → Port Transport → Transport Jobs → Containers → Movements → Consignor/CNR Address (referred to as LocalCartageExporter in XML)
Shipment → Pickup → Confirmations → Pickup From Shipper → Address
Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Pickup → Pickup From → Address

Note: While jobs are linked in CargoWise, their XMLs may not reflect it. To link a shipment with a T or TB-job, the shipment's reference ID must be included in the T/TB-job XML's waybill number field.

Route Details → Estimated Pickup

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Export Process→ Estimated Full Pickup


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Pickup → Details → Estimated Pickup

Route Details Actual Pickup

Shipment files: Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Export Process → Actual Full Pickup


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Pickup → Details → Actual Pickup

Brokerage files: Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Pickup → Actual Pickup

Route Details Delivery Location and Address

Pickup and Delivery Locations for containers attached to a shipment are available in three possible areas of CargoWise. Usually this information is entered in only one of these areas. However, in the unlikely scenario that a container has a pickup/delivery location listed in all three areas, the priority would be to pull it from the first available as shown below:

Operate → Transport → Transport Booking →Bookings → Details → Instructions → Instruction View → CNE Address (referred to as LocalCartageImporter in XML)

Operate → Transport → Port Transport → Transport Jobs → Containers → Movements → Consignee/CNE Address (referred to as LocalCartageImporter in XML)


Shipment → Delivery → Confirmations → Delivery At Consignee → Address


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Delivery → Deliver To → Address
Note: While jobs are linked in CargoWise, their XMLs may not reflect it. To link a shipment with a T or TB-job, the shipment's reference ID must be included in the T/TB-job XML's waybill number field.

Route Details Estimated Delivery

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → Estimated Full Delivery


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Delivery → Estimated Delivery

Route Details Actual Delivery

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation →Containers → Import Process → Actual Full Delivery


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Delivery → Actual Delivery

Client Visible Job Notes

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Notes → Description → Client Visible Job Notes

Request Notes

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Notes → Description → Special Instructions

Operate Forwarding Orders Notes tab → Description → Special Instructions
(when orders are linked to a shipment)

Order Management Update Notes

Operate Forwarding Orders Notes tab → Description → Order Management Update
(when orders are linked to a shipment)

Container Details

💡 Container Details provides container date updates for every shipment that has a Consol with a container attached.


‎‎Mapping Logic

Container Goods Description

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Shipment → Packing → Goods Description


Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Details → Refrigeration → Non-Operating Reefer or Controlled Atmosphere
The option that is checked will be displayed.

Temp Set Point

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Details → Refrigeration → Temp Set Point

Only displayed if Refrigeration is Controlled Atmosphere or left blank

Air Vent Setting

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Details → Refrigeration → Air Vent Setting

Only displayed if Refrigeration is Controlled Atmosphere or left blank

Order ID

Operate → Forwarding → Orders → Order → Planned Containers → Container Number

If a given order has a matching container number listed in the field above, the Order ID will appear in the Container Details section.

*If the Orders module is not active in Logixboard, Order ID will always be blank.


Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → Estimated Full Delivery

Empty Needed By

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Export Process Empty Required By

Departure Est. Pickup

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Export Process Estimated Full Pickup

CTO Storage Start

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process CTO Storage Start

*Filter uses this field. Remove in next 10 days = CTO storage start (today -> today + 10 days)

Est. Full Delivery

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Estimated Full Delivery

Return Empty By

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Empty Return Req. By

*Filter uses this field. Return in next 10 days = Return empty by (today -> today + 10 days)

CFS Storage Start

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process CFS Storage Start

Import Release Number

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → Import Release Number

Available for brokerage files as well

CY Empty Gate Out

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Export Process Empty Released from CY

Departure Cartage Complete

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Export Process Actual Full Pickup

Full Gate In

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Export Process FCL Wharf Gate In

Full Loaded

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Export Process FCL Loaded

Full Discharged

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process FCL Unload

Full Available at Cargo Terminal Operator

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process CTO Available

Full Gate Out

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Wharf Gate Out

Arrival Cartage Advised

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Port Transport Booked

Full Available at Container Freight Station

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process CFS Available

Delivery Cartage Complete

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Actual Full Delivery

Empty Ready for Return

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Empty Ready

Empty Returned On

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Empty Returned On

Brokerage Details


Mapping Logic

Route Status

Origin Port

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → Origin

Destination Port

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → Destination

Master Bill

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → MasterBill


Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → Origin and Destination

House Bill

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → House Bill

Primary Mode

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → Transport

Last Leg

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → ETA


Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → Incoterm

Carrier Name

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Routing → Carrier

Vessel ID

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → Vessel

Transport ID

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → Voyage


Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Routing → Mode

Shipment Leg

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Routing → Table Legs

Cargo Gross Weight

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → Total Weight


Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → Total Volume


Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Containers → Container

Container Type

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Containers → Type

Pack Type

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → Packing → Packing Details → Pack Type

Pack Qty

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Declaration → Packing → Packing Details → Pack Qty


Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Delivery → Delivery Address

Order ID

Operate → Customs → Customs Declarations → Order Management Links and Owner Ref

Standalone Brokerage files only

Container Explorer

💡 Containers that are not attached to a shipment via the Packing tab will not be visible in the Container Explorer.


Mapping Logic

Container Number

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidations → Containers Tab → Container

Shipment Number(s)

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Shipment ID

Order Number(s)

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Job Management Links → Order Refs

Seal ID

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidations → Containers Tab → Seal

Master Bill Number(s)

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidations → Details → BOL

House Bill Number(s)

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → House bill

Est. Full Delivery

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Estimated Full Delivery

Return Empty By

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Empty Return Req. By

Empty Returned On

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Empty Returned On

Empty Needed By

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Export Process Empty Required By

Departure Est. Pickup

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Export Process Estimated Full Pickup

CTO Storage Start

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process CTO Storage Start

CFS Storage Start

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process CFS Storage Start

CY Empty Gate Out

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Export Process Empty Released from CY

Delivery Cartage Complete

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Actual Full Delivery

Full Gate In

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Export Process FCL Wharf Gate In

Full Loaded

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Export Process FCL Loaded

Full Discharged

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process FCL Unload

Full Available at Cargo Terminal Operator

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process CTO Available

Full Gate Out

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Wharf Gate Out

Arrival Cartage Advised

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Port Transport Booked

Full Available at Container Freight Station

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process CFS Available

Departure Cartage Complete

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Export Process Actual Full Pickup

Empty Ready for Return

Operate Forwarding Consolidation Containers Import Process Empty Ready

Shipment ETD

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing → ETD of First Leg

Shipment ATD

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing → ATD of First leg

Shipment ETA

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETA*

Attached Declarations with an ETA override may take precedence in some situations

Shipment ATA

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing → ATA

Shipment Delivery ETA

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Delivery → Estimated Delivery

Shipment Delivery ATA

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Delivery → Actual Delivery

Container Goods Description

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Shipment → Packing → Goods Description

Unavailable for brokerage files


Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Details → Refrigeration → Non-Operating Reefer or Controlled Atmosphere
The option that is checked will be displayed.

Temp Set Point

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Details → Refrigeration → Temp Set Point

Air Vent Setting

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Details → Refrigeration → Air Vent Setting

Container Type

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidations → Containers Tab → Type

Shipment Container Mode

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Transport

Import Release Number

Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → Import Release Number

Available for brokerage files as well

Shipment Shipper

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Shipper

Shipment Consignee/Importer

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Consignee

Shipment Local Client

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Local Client

Pickup Location and Address

Operate → Transport → Transport Booking→ Bookings → Details → Instructions → Instruction View → CNR Address (referred to as LocalCartageExporter in XML)
Operate → Transport → Port Transport → Transport Jobs → Containers → Movements → Consignor/CNR Address (referred to as LocalCartageExporter in XML)
Shipment → Pickup → Confirmations → Pickup From Shipper → Address

Delivery Location and Address

Operate → Transport → Transport Booking →Bookings → Details → Instructions → Instruction View → CNE Address (referred to as LocalCartageImporter in XML)

Operate → Transport → Port Transport → Transport Jobs → Containers → Movements → Consignee/CNE Address (referred to as LocalCartageImporter in XML)
Shipment → Delivery → Confirmations → Delivery At Consignee → Address


The tables below display the logic used to generate and resolve an exception, and the corresponding CW1 mapping.

💡 We do not process exceptions for shipments with an ATA/ETA older than 60 days.

💡 Customs Hold is the only exception available for brokerage files.

Planned Origin Port ETD missed

Start Exception Display

When Current Date > ETD AND ATD is null

Stop Exception Display

When ATD is not null OR future ATA is populated OR shipment status is "delivered"

Mapping Logic

ETD Origin Port: Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETD

Attached Declarations with an ETD override may take precedence in some situations

ATD: Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing → ATD

Planned ETA missed

Start Exception Display

When Current Date > ETA AND ATA is null

Stop Exception Display

When ATA is not null OR shipment status is "delivered"

Mapping Logic

ETA Destination Port: Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETA

Attached Declarations with an ETA override may take precedence in some situations

ATA: Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing → Last Leg ATA

Customs Hold

Start Exception Display

When Customs Import Status = HOLD

Stop Exception Display

When Customs Import Status != HOLD

Mapping Logic

If one or more of the Partner Government Agencies list the shipment as “HOLD,” the overall status is “HOLD”

Container On Hold

Start Exception Display

When port_terminal_fees is not null

Stop Exception Display

When port_terminal_fees is null

Mapping Logic

This is not available in CW1. It is only available if ACT is enabled.

Container not delivered on time

Start Exception Display

When Current Date > Container's Estimated Full Delivery AND Delivery Cartage Complete is null

Stop Exception Display

When Delivery Cartage Complete is not null

Mapping Logic

Estimated Full Delivery: Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → Estimated Full Delivery

Delivery Cartage Complete: Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → Actual Full Delivery

Full container not removed on time

Only when container mode is FCL or CNT

Start Exception Display

When Current Date > CTO Storage Start AND (Full Gate Out is null OR Full Gate Out > CTO Storage Start)

Stop Exception Display

When Full Gate Out <= CTO Storage Start

Mapping Logic

CTO Storage Start: Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → CTO

Storage Start Full Gate Out: Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → Wharf Gate Out

Empty container not returned on time

Only when container mode is FCL or CNT

Start Exception Display

When Current Date > Return Empty By AND (Empty Returned On is null OR Empty Returned On > Return Empty By)

Stop Exception Display

When Empty Returned On <= Return Empty By

Mapping Logic

Return Empty By: Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → Empty Return Req. By

Empty Returned On: Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → Empty Returned On


The tables below display the logic used to generate and resolve a reminder, and the corresponding CW1 mapping.

Pick up full container

Only when container mode is FCL or CNT

Start Reminder Display

When Full Gate Out is null AND Target Date: CTO Storage Start is not null AND 3 days before Target Date: CTO Storage Start

Stop Reminder Display

When Current Date > CTO Storage Start OR Full Gate Out is not null

Mapping Logic

CTO Storage Start: Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → CTO

Storage Start Full Gate Out: Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → Wharf Gate Out

Return empty container

Only when container mode is FCL or CNT

Start Reminder Display

When Empty Returned On is null AND Target Date: Return Empty By is not null AND 3 days before Target Date: Return Empty By

Stop Reminder Display

When Current Date > Return Empty By OR Empty Returned On is not null

Mapping Logic

Return Empty By: Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → Empty Return Req. By

Empty Returned On: Operate → Forwarding → Consolidation → Containers → Import Process → Empty Returned On

Bookings: Offered rate is expiring today or tomorrow

Only displayed to org users

Start Reminder Display

When booking status is “Options Ready” AND Current Date = Rate Expiration Date OR Current Date+1 = Rate Expiration Date

Stop Reminder Display

When the booking status is “Approved” or “Confirmed” OR Rate Expiration Date is more than 1 day from Current Date

Mapping Logic

N/A: These fields are generated in Logixboard

Bookings: Offered rate has expired

Only displayed to org users

Start Reminder Display

When booking status is “Options Ready” AND Rate Expiration Date < Current Date

Stop Reminder Display

When Rate Expiration Date > Current Date OR the booking status is “Approved” or “Confirmed”

Mapping Logic

N/A: These fields are generated in Logixboard

Bookings: Cargo at risk of missing planned departure

Start Reminder Display

When the booking status is “Approved” AND the Cargo Ready Date > Planned ETD of the approved option

Stop Reminder Display

When booking status is “Confirmed” OR Cargo Ready Date <= Planned ETD

Mapping Logic

N/A: These fields are generated in Logixboard


💡 By default, shipments missing any of these fields in CW1 are not included in the aggregated data on the Analytics page:

  • Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Origin

  • Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Destination

  • Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETA

You can change this setting from the Configurations section of the Settings Menu.

Overview Card


‎‎Mapping Logic

Total Shipments

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details ETA

Aggregated across all shipments that fit the current page filter

Total Volume

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Volume

Aggregated across all shipments that fit the current page filter

Total Weight

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Weight

Aggregated across all shipments that fit the current page filter


All available currencies are found at Maintain User Admin Companies. The currency associated with a shipment is the selected Currency on the associated invoice line items that are linked to that shipment.

Transport Mode Cards

‎‎Logixboard Transport Mode

‎‎CW1 Transport Mode

‎‎CW1 Container Mode









Any of the following: BBK, BCN, FCL, GRP, LCL, ROR



Any of the following: BBK, BCN, FCL, GRP, LCL, ROR



Any of the following: BBK, BCN, FCL, GRP, LCL, ROR


All other transport modes: Auto Border Water-Borne Courier Fixed Transport Inland Waterway Mail Own Propulsion Passenger Hand-Carried Pedestrian Truck

Any of the following: BBK, BCN, FCL, GRP, LCL, ROR

CW1 Container Mode Legend

FCL = Full Container Load
LCL = Less than Container Load

BLK = Bulk
BBK = Break Bulk

LQD = Liquid

BCN = Buyer's Consolidation

SCN = Seller's Consolidation

ROR = Roll On/Roll Off

CNT = Containerized

GRP = Groupage / Freight All Kinds

Total Shipments by Mode Over Time

Distinct count of all shipments with an ETA (Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETA) within selected date parameters.

Total Revenue by Mode Over Time

💡 For shippers, this is called "Total Cost by Mode Over Time".

Sum of all invoices of all shipments with an ETA (Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETA) within selected date parameters.

The date is based on when the shipment arrived (not the date the invoice was paid).

The currency associated with a shipment is the selected Currency on the associated invoice line items that are linked to that shipment.

Volume Shipped by Mode Over Time

Sum of volume (Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Volume) of all shipments with an ETA (Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETA) within selected date parameters.

Weight Shipped by Mode Over Time

Sum of weight (Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Weight) of all shipments with an ETA (Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETA) within selected date parameters.

Carbon Intensity by Mode Over Time

💡Only displayed if the CO2 feature is enabled.

Sum of all carbon emissions, relative to sums of weight and distance shipped - for all shipments with an ATA entered on the routing tab for the final transport leg AND an ETA (Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Details → ETA) within selected data parameters.

For more info, see "How It Works" in CO2 Emissions Calculations.

Trade Lane by Metric


Mapping Logic


Origin Port and Destination Port

Based on the shipment (not the transport legs)

Transport Mode

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Transport

Container Mode

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Container

Total Shipments

Distinct count of shipments (based on the row for the corresponding route, transport mode, and container mode)

Avg Transit Time

Average of Port of Discharge ATA minus Port of Loading ATD

Locations: Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Origin / Destination

Dates: Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing

Avg Delay Time

Average of Port of Discharge ATA minus Original Port of Discharge ETA

Locations: Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Origin / Destination

Dates: Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Routing

Gross Weight

Sum of weight of shipments (based on the row for the corresponding route, transport mode, and container mode)

Total Volume

Sum of volume of shipments (based on the row for the corresponding route, transport mode, and container mode)

Drill Down Tables

While viewing any of the line graphs, hover over a data point and click the orange dot to drill down into more details.


‎‎Mapping Logic


Origin Port and Destination Port

Based on the shipment (not the transport legs)

Origin Port

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Origin

Destination Port

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → Destination

Origin Country

Origin Port Country Code

Destination Country

Destination Port Country Code


Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Basic Registration → ETA


N/A: This is generated in Logixboard

Shipment Mode

N/A: This is generated in Logixboard


Accounting Table


Mapping Logic

Organization (company name)

Maintain → Master Data → Organizations

Transaction Number

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Billing → AR Invoices → Transaction Number

Transaction Date

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Billing → AR Invoices → Post Date

Due Date

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Billing → AR Invoices → Invoice Date

Job Invoice #

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Billing → AR Invoices → Job Invoice Number

Total Amount

Operate → Forwarding → Shipments → Billing → AR Invoices → Invoice Amount

Invoice Details


Mapping Logic

Charge Code

Manage → Receivables Transactions → Invoice Details → Charges Column


Manage → Receivables Transactions → Invoice Details → Description

Related Shipment

Manage → Receivables Transactions → Invoice Details → Job


Manage → Receivables Transactions → Invoice Details → Local Amount


Manage → Receivables Transactions → Invoice Details → Total Invoice

Importer Security Filings (ISF)

ISFs are linked to their respective Shipments (S-files) in Logixboard when any one of the following criteria is met:

  • The House Bill number on the ISF matches the AMS entry in the Reference Numbers section of the S-file

  • The House Bill number on the ISF matches the House Bill number listed on the Basic Registration tab of the S-file

  • The Ocean Bill number on the ISF matches the Master Bill number associated with the S-file, typically derived from an attached Consol


‎‎Mapping Logic


A simplified status based on the Filing Status

See ISF - Filing Status for more info.

Filing Status

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filing Customs Details Status

See ISF - Filing Status for more info.

Related Shipment

When the ISF is linked to a Shipment, the ISF details will be listed in the Detailed Shipment View. Click the row in the ISF table to navigate there.

First Accepted

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Customs Details First Accepted

Last Accepted

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Customs Details Last Accepted

Ocean Bill

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details References Ocean Bill

House Bill

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details References House Bill

Master Bill

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details References Master Bill

Entry Type

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Main Details Entry Type

Shipment Type

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Main Details Shipment Type

Action Reason

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Main Details Act Reason

Ship to Party

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Ship to Party


Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Importer Details


Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Consignee Details

Bond Activity Code

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Bond Details Bond Holder

Bond Type

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Bond Details Bond Type

HS Code

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Lines Lines Tariff

Country of Origin

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Lines Lines Origin

Manufacturer Address

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Lines Lines Address

Buying Party

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Buying Party

Selling Party

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Selling Party

Container Stuffing Party

Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Container Stuffing Party


Operate Customs US Importer Security Filling Details Consolidator

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